Friday, November 25, 2011

Bronies, Mental Wanderings and Other Miscellaneous Junk

Thing the first:

I am a brony. I would have never thought I would become one, yet I feel absolutely no shame. My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic kicks major butt. You don't even know how amazing of a show it is until you watch it. I'm serious. You need to watch it, now. In fact, I will give you a link to start watching it. Go ahead. Watch it, and the next one. I'll wait for you to get done with the entire first season. You know you want to try it.

Thing the second:

My mind has been wandering a lot lately, so I will get rid of some of these wanderings here.
     A) What would you do if you met yourself from another universe?
     B) What would you do if you met an oppositely-gendered you from another universe? Would you treat them the same as if they were the same gender as you?
     C) Why is Minecraft so addictive?
     D) Who decided that ties were fashionable?
     E) How is it that Lauren Faust can make such an addictive show about PONIES? (I know it's the wrong section. Shut up)
     F) What is the point of dancing? I just can't grasp it.
     G) How do you properly make an alpha-bulleted list with more than 26 characters?
     H) Is there some way to totally stop beard growth that won't leave scarring?
     I) How feasible is it to subsist on a diet comprised entirely of ramen noodles?
     J) Why doesn't my spell check recognize ramen as a word?
     K) What's up with Siri anyway?
     L) Is it possible that there is a universe where I look the same, but act totally opposite?
     M) Does Voldemort always lose No Nose Goes?
     N) How did women get roped into the whole "dresses" thing in the first place?
     O) Do I get automatic nerd points for rocking a dual screen display?
     P) If so, how many do I get?
     Q) What is so funny about booping someone's nose?
     R) Does anyone have a good PCI graphics card I can have? Preferably equivalent to Radeon 8500 series or better...
     S) Why do girls like being affectionately referred to as "princess"?
     T) Who decided what letters were shaped like what? And who decided what they sounded like?
     U) What is so bad about fireworks?

Thing the third:

I'm serious about the Graphics card, I would really like one. It's keeping me from Portal and Team Fortress 2, and I'm not happy about that. Not. Happy. Also, I bought a whole bunch of Halloween candy at half price, so feel free to come and eat.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Summer: a Short Summary

Yeah, I know I haven't been keeping up. Shut up.

Lots has happened to me in the last few weeks, so I will abbreviate it by only posting the absolute necessities.

Sold the car. Got a job. Got back with my love. Broke up. Got back. Broke up. Got back. Broke up. Got back. Vaccinated. Thought I had cancer. First kiss. Tubed. Started making a bucket list. Lost ten pounds I didn't need to lose. Ate, drank, was merry. Smashed my finger really bad. And my toe. Learned my name autocorrects to "Lincolnshire." Fixed a friend's computer for myself. Watched Forrest Gump. Shed a single manly tear. Got an accordion. Got a cell phone.

So, anyway, I'm starting college in the fall. Big deal, right? Exactly, but for one main reason. I will be my own man, except on weekends, when I go home for food. I'm majoring in Physics, and oddly enough feel like I should join the theater club. I always did like acting, so I figure why not?

I have been thinking musically lately, as in I have been doing some mental songwriting. Nothing concrete yet, but it's decent stuff in my mind. I really need to carry a notebook with me when this stuff hits me, because by the time I get home, I forget what I had. All I remember is the name of my good one, "Heart Stains."

I need to write this stuff down

Friday, May 20, 2011

It Liiiivvvvvvveeees!

So, remember the old computer I talked about like three weeks ago? And how I was hoping to make it work? Yeahh, it's sitting in about a dozen little pieces at the curb, waiting to be picked up and taken to the dump.

The stupid thing wouldn't do anything. Finally got it to boot, but it wouldn't save anything. It wouldn't run anything. It wouldn't do anything. Finally I just started screaming at it and tore it down to its smallest components. The only thing I saved was the hard drive.

Thankfully, I have a friend who gave me her old one because it wouldn't turn on. A 512 MB RAM card and one new power supply later, I'm bumping Windows XP and defragging the hard drive, and installing some goodies too. Hopefully I can make this thing the computer I always wanted.

Also, I have a job working for a logging company. Not exactly a Staples salesman, but it pays 8.00 an hour and is only 10 minutes away from home. Unfortunately, it came a bit too late, and my car got sold out from under me. But you don't want to hear about that, you probably only want to look at pictures of funny cats. I'm sorry that the long post gap is filled with this. I promise I'll have something interesting next week.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

My New (read: very, very old) Computer

If there is anyone who actually reads this blog, I'm sorry that you haven't seen any produce from me for about two weeks. I have been busy. Okay, I have been lazy, but it all results in the same thing: no updates.

Today is a day of great triumph for me: I have acquired a new computer. And by new, I mean that this thing is a dinosaur that is so old that someone flat-out gave it to me. So old that it runs Windows 98. Or, at least it did before someone lost the boot files. So old that it's a Compaq. So old, it only has two USB ports. Yes, it's old. And, right now, as useful as paperweight, because it doesn't get past the "no OS found" screen. It is now up to me to fix the thing so I can use it for college papers and Minecraft, my new technological addiction.

So, anyway, I don't even have a mouse to this thing, so I'm going to have to find an old-style mouse for it so I can use it when I load Linux onto it. That's right, I'm diving into open-source OS. I'm kind of excited and scared at the same time, but right now all I need to focus on is getting the hunk of junk to run.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

The Bunny Suit (a.k.a., the Fire of a Thousand Suns)

So, time to talk about the bunny suit I am wearing for Easter.

First, last, and most of all, it is hot. Temperature wise. I put it on, and I start sweating within five minutes. I have lost four pounds in that portable sauna. I think it might be one of the portals to hell but I can't be sure.

Second, it is incredibly loose and baggy on me. I feel like I'm wearing a suit tailored for a guy about 150 pounds heavier. This isn't a bad thing, though. I have been able to slip my arms out the sleeves and into the body so I could get at a pack of gum in my pockets.

Third, the head of the costume never sits right on my head, so I have to constantly hold it in place with my chin. I have a blister on my chin from it being there so much.

I actually modified -okay, kludged- it slightly by cannibalizing a computer fan and hooking it up to a nine volt battery and put it inside the head. This makes it at least bearable inside. I might have to take a picture of it to show you just how... creative... it is.

I have had at least three screamers that were afraid of me so far, and one that didn't want to leave me.

Oh, and did I mention it's hot?

Monday, April 11, 2011

Scavenger Hunt - People Edition

First person to complete the scavenger hunt and has pictures for proof gets the satisfaction of winning, and possibly their name listed as the winner of this hunt.

Hint: Walmart is a good place to find a lot of these...

□ Guy with really bad toupee

□ Someone wearing only underwear on the bottom

□ Guy with abnormally large manboobs

□ Girl with a mullet

□ Guy wearing a skirt or dress

□ Extremely overweight person wearing spandex

□ Girl wearing a backwards baseball cap

□ Someone wearing a Che Guevara tshirt

□ Guy with combover

□ Someone wearing a suit jacket on top and blue jeans on the bottom

□ Someone wearing their shirt or pants backwards

□ Guy wearing a tube top

□ Girl with "back boobs"

□ Someone wearing fuzzy slippers

□ Girl with liberty spikes

□ Girl wearing all pink, including hair

□ Anyone over the age of fourteen wearing crocs

Happy hunting!

Monday, April 4, 2011

On the Subject of Money

Today I went outside to look at my project car, a 1966 Ford Mustang. I realized just how far I have to getting it road ready, and seeing as I don't have a source of income at the moment, it's rather disheartening.

To get the thing road-legal, I need a new windshield, shift boot, steering rack, weatherstripping, and a closed floorpan.

To make it presentable/better, I need a new paint job, seat covers, carpet, upholstery, speakers, radio, ball joints, the original cooling fan, and radiator. That's all I can think of for now, but you get the idea. I really need a job. Or any way to make money, for that matter.

Which segues me into my next and totally unrelated topic: I am this year's Easter bunny. To be more specific, I am going to help my photographer friend do Easter pictures at the mall by dressing up in a rabbit costume and sitting kids on my knee. It is not the most wanted job but hey, someone has to do it, and the promise of payment is an incentive hard to turn down.

Barring this isolated cash cow, though, I am unemployed. This summer is going to be rough.